Dec 18, 2012

Trilogy Week #53 - End of Days

So this week we interrupt our scheduled Christmas movie trilogies to bring you  this important announcement. 

As we all know, the Mayan calendar ends this Friday December 21st 2012. So in preparation for Armageddon let's watch some Earth ending movies and see what the rapture will be like when the time comes. Spoiler Alert* there will be riots.

Dec 11, 2012

Trilogy Week #52 - Killer Christmas

What's the worst that could happen on one the happiest times of the year. Certainly there wouldn't be anything bad like murder happening, everyone will be at home with their families opening Christmas presents. Well think again, this is one of the most violent times of the year. Depression, suicide, anxiety, dept, spousal abuse, all rise around the holidays. No one is safe!!! There are serial killers dressed as Santa ready to kill anyone who is naughtey! (*thunder crack)

Dec 3, 2012

Trilogy Week #51 - A Crappy Christmas

Everyone has their favorite Christmas movies, and their least favorite Christmas movies. And since I'm not going to torture myself with ABC Family type movies, like "Christmas with the Kranks" or some other forgettable Christmas shlock, I decided to torture my self with some crappy cult classics. Since this is the first week of December, lets get'em out of the way!

Nov 20, 2012

Trilogy Week #50 - Movies About Food

Last year I posted Thanksgiving Day movies, and thought I would do it again this year, but I was surprised to find out that there are very little movies about Thanksgiving. If you know of any, give me some ideas. So instead, since we will all be eating like pigs for the holiday, why not watch some movies about food. So here are three movies that will make you hungry for some Thanksgiving day foods.

Nov 7, 2012

Trilogy Week #49 - Terry Gilliam's Imagination Trilogy

Terry Gilliam first got his start as the only American cast member of Monty Python. Doing mostly the little animation sequences in between segments. Then When Monty Python started getting into making movies, he co-directed The Holy Grail, with his fellow Terry, Terry Jones. That's were the directing bug caught hold, and Terry Gilliam has been making some of the most imaginative movies ever since. This week we are going to see Terry Gilliam's Imagination Trilogy. This is were we get to see inside the mind of a brilliant film maker.

Oct 30, 2012

Song of the Week #13

When An American Werewolf in London came out in theaters in 1981, Michael Jackson was so impressed with the effects in the film that he said get me in touch with the makers of this movie. So John Landis, Rick Baker, and most of the original crew from the movie, came to make the Thriller video for Michael Jackson. When this video was released, no one had ever seen a merging of film-making and music like this before. It has since been called the most successful music video of all time. The first music video to have entered into the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress. The most watch video of all time, see by more that 4 billion people across the world. And at the time was the most expensive music video ever made, at $1,000,000.

Trilogy Week #48 - Best Makeup Effects

It's the last week of October so now I've saved the best for last. To watch three movies with the best makeup effects. What can make or break a good horror movie is the effects, they are the touchstone of the genre. Going back to the birth of cinema. But recently makeup effects have started to take a back seat to CG effects. Which is sad, when you see a CG effects used that could have made a convincing makeup effect instead, it's very disappointing. To me it almost feels like cheating. Don't get me wrong CG effects are cool, and they have their place. But when they are used instead of props or prosthetic, it shows they laziness of the film makers. So let's this week celebrate the fantastic work of Rick Baker, Rob Bottin, and Chris Walas.

Oct 24, 2012

Trilogy Week #47 - The Evil Dead Trilogy

This is going to be a quick one, this is the first actual true trilogy that I have posted. Usually it's three movies that have nothing to do with each other, but all have a similarity to them that makes the trilogy interesting. This time how ever I had to move some stuff around and wasn't able to get the post I was going to make. That's not to take away from the Evil Dead, because it's totally awesome. It's just a last minute, but good replacement.

Halloween Cartoon For Oct. 24th

Here's a classic Looney Tunes short with everyone's favorite orange monster.

Oct 23, 2012

Halloween Cartoon for Oct. 23rd

A little short about a dead soldier trying to comes with terms with his recent death. "Fifty Percent Grey" By Ruairi Robinson