Jul 18, 2012

Trilogy Week #33 - A Tribute to Michel Gondry

My 30th birthday is on Friday, and this week I'm reviewing three movies by Michel Gondry on of my favorite directors of all time. I was first amazed by his awesome music videos, and was excited to see his turn into movies. And I was not disappointed by his films. His imaginative way he creates such fantastic and original special effects. And I love he uses everyday objects, and old school film techniques to make such memorable moments.

Title: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Year: 2004
Director: Michel Gondry
Cast: Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Tom Wilkinson, Mark Ruffalo, Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood, David Cross
Rated: R
Running Time: 1hr. 47mins.

My Review: This is my favorite movie ever. I love this movie so much that after I watched it for the first time, I ran out and bought the soundtrack, then when home and watched the movie again. This movie blew my mind. I had never seen anything like this before, and I instantly feel in love with it. Everything about this film is top notch perfection. The subtle little tricks that Michel Gondry has but in, to show that the memories are fading still catches me off guard and surprises me. 10 out of 10 cassette tapes.

Title: The Science of Sleep
Year: 2006
Director: Michel Gondry
Cast: Gael Garcia Bernal, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Alain Chabat, 
Rated: R
Running Time: 1hr. 46mins.

My Review: Another home run film. I am a hopeless romantic, and this film speaks to me in so many ways, being in love with someone and them not feeling the same, and the pain that ensues. This film shows a lot about me artistically and emotionally, and I love it. Michel Gondry has such a brilliant DIY style of film making that I can't get enough of. The way he can show a dream in such a vivid, creative, innocent way, always gives me a lump in my throat for its beauty. 10 out of 10 cardboard cameras.

Title: Be Kind Rewind
Year: 2008
Director: Michel Gondry
Cast: Jack Black, Mos Def, Danny Glover, Melanie Diaz, Mia Farrow
Rated: PG-13
Running Time: 1hr. 41mins.

My Review: With necessity the mother of invention, Michel Gondry does it again, to show you don't need millions of dollars to make an effectively brilliant film. How movies can be interpreted with such simple means, shows how Michel Gondry is a such a master film maker. 9 out of 10 out of date technologies.

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