Mar 25, 2012

Trilogy Week #21 - Revenge Movies

A concept as old as civilization itself. Told in many different ways, from many different cultures. The believe that the wrong doings done unto you shall be given to the ones that we think deserve it. Revenge is even in the bible, "an eye for an eye". But is it justified? A tricky question to a complex answer. But you do love to live out these dark fantasies of ours, in stories. So here are three movies about three different versions of that sweet comeuppance of revenge.

Mar 20, 2012

Trilogy Week #20 - Creepy Kid Movies

Everyone has their creepy childhood memories. Whether it's a creepy neighbor, seeing a horror movie on TV, or watching one of these movies that is geared towards kids. I have vivid memories of watching these movies as a kid, as segments of these films creeped the hell out of me. But that doesn't make them bad, in fact that makes them great. Because of that these cherished memories are tattooed in my brain forever, and these movies are now a part of who I am. Without these movies, I wouldn't have taste for movies, art, and music that I do today. So thanks for the nightmares.

Mar 14, 2012

KONY 2012

Watch the video and spread the word to as many people as you can.
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Mar 13, 2012

The Weird World of PES

Have you seen the "fresh guacamole" video that has been floating around the internet? The imaginative way different objects represent other objects. Like a grenade is a avocado, hardware tools can be deep sea creatures, or pin cushions can be tomatoes. Well that is from the mind of PES (Adam Pesapane). A stop-motion  animator who has come up with some genius was to show ordinary objects in a creative captivating way. Like the picture below, what do you see first? the logs on fire, or candy corn and pretzel sticks? I first discovered PES's work during a touring of "The Animation Show" at the Tower Theatre in Salt Lake City. And was blown away. Being an artist myself, it made me a little angry to see these brilliant little shorts, and thinking to myself "shit!, why didn't I think of that!" Ever since then I've been awaiting with anticipation for the next short that he comes out with. 

Now these shorts aren't all his pieces. These are just my favorite ones. Go to his website if you want to his whole collection of work.

Mar 12, 2012

Trilogy Week #19 - Green Movies

Just in time for St. Patty's Day, enjoy some "green" movies. Now these movies don't have leprechauns, or pots of gold, or anything to do with St. Patrick's Day, nor are they "green" movies about the environment. No, these are movies with only one thing in common. The titles of these movies have the word green in them. That's it... oh and all three of these films do have murder in them... so there's that... So while you're preparing yourself for some green beer binge drinking, or cuddling up on the couch with a shamrock shake trying to get rid of your hangover on Sunday. Here are three movies you might enjoy.

Mar 4, 2012

Trilogy Week #18 - Tribute to Blacksploitation

Even if you haven't seen any blacksploitation films, you're probably still familiar with Shaft, Dolemite, Superfly, The Mack, Foxy Brown, etc. Their identities are prevalent in the icons of pop culture. The stories of empowerment, and overcoming the struggles of black America. You might look at blacksploitation as so bad it's funny, but that's because a lot of these movies had no funding, and mainstream Hollywood didn't have faith in any of these films. They were made by the people, for the people, to get their stories told. Now these films do not hold up very well today, because of their heavy 70's influences, and low-budget film making. But that doesn't make them any less important in the history of American cinema. So here are three films made by three film makers showing their affection for the art of blacksploitation cinema.