Oct 16, 2012

Trilogy Week #46 - Slasher Flicks (re-makes)

Re-makes have been entering cinema more and more frequently these days. They're made to bring classic stories to a new audience. But is that a good idea, or should new audiences just watch the originals. Some work, some don't. The ones that I think work are the ones that take out dated subject matter, or concepts that aren't just pulled off very well (The Fly, The Thing, etc.). But a movie with a good story should not be re-made, because the re-make just shows how well the original was made (Planet of the Apes, Clash of the Titans, etc.) But how do these re-makes hold up to there original classic counterparts? Well read on, and find out. And on a side note, I can't quit put my finger on it, but there's something very similar about these posters...

Title: Halloween
Year: 2007
Director: Rob Zombie
Cast: Malcolm McDowell, Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Daeg Faerch, Sheri Moon Zombie, William Forsythe
Rated: R
Running Time: 1hr. 50mins.

My Review: This film is great. Now I really like the original also. They both have their different weaknesses and strengths. The pacing of Michael watching his victims in the original is great. But I didn't like how Michael as a kid would kill his sister, and when the mask is taken off, his expression is "what just happened." In this one, I like how they show Michael becoming this evil serial killer. By torchering animals, then killing the school bully, then his sister, and then mom's boyfriend. That shows how Michael becomes this evil force to be afraid of. And shows more why Dr. Loomis says he is a monster. Both are good in their own ways. 7 out of 10 plastic clown masks

Title: Friday the 13th
Year: 2009
Director: Marcus Nispel
Cast: Jared Padelecki, Danielle Panabaker, Amanda Righetti, Travis Van Winkle, Aaron Yoo, Derek Mears
Rated: R
Running Time: 1hr. 37mins.

My Review: To me, this re-make is by far superior to the original in every way. In story, pacing, acting, and suspense. Jason is the killer here for starters. And is a killer badass. He really is terrifying, and very brutal. 9 out of 10 axes to the face!

Title: A Nightmare On Elm Street
Year: 2010
Director: Samuel Bayer
Cast: Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Katie Cassidy, Kyle Gallner, Thomas Dekker, Clancy Brown
Rated: R
Running Time: 1hr. 35mins.

My Review: Since I liked the original of this so much I don't think it should've been re-made. And I was right. This was not good enough to out shine the original. A lot of the gags and deaths in the original, are re-done in this version. If they were so good, then just watch the original. Not even the new Freddy was any good. The make up, even though it was a practical prosthetic, it looked really fake to me, and looked too c.g.. And there is a whole sub plot in the middle that Freddy might have been innocent, and the parents were the real murders. Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb, why should we feel sympathy for a serial killer, how is that supposed to help in a slasher film. I did not like it. Boo! 3 out of 10 red and green sweaters.

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