Aug 20, 2012

Trilogy Week #38 - Japanese Animation

Japanese animation or anime, is a genre all its own, a whole different animal. Completely different in tone and scale from American animation. The character designs are generally the same, but the wide variety of story and moods that style can portray is where anime is superior. They can pull of drama, action, and violence the a way that western animation can't. So if you are new to anime, let this be your initiation.

Title: Akira
Year: 1988
Director: Katsuhiro Ohtomo
1988 Cast: Jan Rabson, Cam Clark, Tony Pope, Lara Cody
2001 Cast: Joshua Seth, Johnny Yong Bosch, Wendee Lee, Jameson Price
Rated: R
Running Time: 2hrs. 05mins.

My Review: I giant classic to anime fans. But I frankly think this film is overrated. I do like this movie, but for me the story is a bit too cerebral. It's like a sophisticated joke that people laugh at, even though they don't get it. I think the majority of people just like the violence, and ignore the lack of comprehensive story. I just think it's good, not great. 6 out of 10 Benjamin Button kids.

Jonny's Review: This movie was pretty good, but I kind of thought it was a little much. The story has a lot of dedication toward how it’s told, but it really makes you think about how life works at the end. I kind of thought it was very artsy fartsy, but there’s nothing really wrong with that. There’s just a lot of physiological ideals through out this movie, which can go horrible wrong if not presented right. This movie knows how to do it right. The animation is also great in the movie, it really tries hard in its details. The only thing I didn't like are the some of the voice actors, but that’s because they were children, and children are terrible at what they do. In fact, I don’t understand why the kids were messing with Tetsuo when he was recovering in the hospital. That was suck a dick move. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go watch it, it is worth it. 8/10 dead doctors

This is not a official trailer, but I thought this fanmade one was still pretty cool

Title: Akira
Year: 1988
Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Cast: Dean Elliott, Wendee Lee, Jimmy Theodore
Rated: R
Running Time: 1hr. 31mins.

My Review: If you've ever seen Afro Samurai, you can tell that they took a lot of inspiration from this film. The action and animation are really great to watch. very fluid and fast. The story feels like it is a old samurai legend. 8 out of 10 throwing stars

Jonny's Review: I didn’t really know what I was getting into when I saw this for the first time. This movie is awesome, but I did think it went kind of fast. I liked the anti-hero of the movie, and how he is forced to help. The only thing I didn’t like about this movie is the voice actors, even being a somewhat old movie, there could have still been more effort on that. 8/10 no scrolls

Another fanmade trailer

Title: Akira
Year: 1988
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Cast: Billy Crudup, Claire Danes, Billy Bob Thornton, Minnie Driver, John DiMaggio, Jada Pinkett Smith, Gillian Anderson, Keith David
Rated: PG-13
Running Time: 2hrs. 13mins.

My Review: I love the work of Hayao Miyazaki. This movie was the first of his that I saw, and I instantly became a fan. The world even though it's not talked about to much, seems very big. With forest spirits, animal gods, and lost ancient tribes. I can't help but feel sucked into this story. One of my absolute favorite anime films. 10 out of 10 red elks.

Jonny's Review: This movie is my most favorite movie, it was this movie that put me on the track to seek my career as an animator. This is just fantastic in every way, the characters, the story, the animation, I especially love the folk lore behind this, how you can see the different tribes and their culture, this is what really makes a story shine. Hayao Miyazaki has always been considered the Japanese Disney, but I think he’s better than that. This movie was treated with great respect, not only with the overall story, but to the audience as well. This movie has the perfect amount of meat on it, and worth watch over and over again.  10/10 god heads

Yet another fanmade trailer

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